
Experience of real life

This is IB where real life vision is experienced by the kids and it helps them comprehend the value of relationships and family in their lives.
Families are people who care about us, mother & father,  sister & brother and grandpa & grandma and many others. One family is big while another is small. Family, A little bit of crazy, a little bit of loud but a whole lot of love.
Learners of LKG red demonstrated the attribute of being reflective by dressing up as their favourite family member which revealed their love and affection towards the family member who they love the most. They also expressed the reason why they love them. After watching the stories based on family, kids also realized about the compassion which they have for their other family members too like grandfather,  grandmother, mother, father, sister, brother, pets and other people i.e. teachers and friends in their school. The children portrayed the roles magnificently which made them feel cheerful, joyous, emotional and blissful at the same time.

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