A grandparent is a little bit friend, a little bit of parent and a little bit of a teacher

Modern School advocates the fact that a child’s real education starts at home. The family, especially grandparents, plays a major role in creating a culture full of moral values and discipline for the children. They help in creating a homogenous environment in the house which gives a sense of security to the child.
Purpose of celebration

August 27th every year is celebrated as Grandparents’ Day as it happens to be the birthday of our school’s Chairman of Advisory Council Honorable Justice D. K. Trivedi (retd.) We celebrate this day to honor grandparents, to give them an opportunity to show love for their children’s children, and to help children become aware of the strength, cultural practices, good traditions, and guidance older people can offer.
Welcoming with a warm heart

The program starts with lighting of the lamp with our Chief Guest Justice D. K. Trivedi, and then by a welcome speech by our honorable founder Mr. Rakesh Kapoor, who makes the guest grandparents realize their role in educating their grandchildren.
List of events
A video on stress
A video on ‘How stress affects our lives and brain development’ or maintaining physical fitness, educates the grandparents with the repercussions of having a stressful life or how to manage physical fitness. These types of educational interactions with parents and grandparents help them know about various things which helps them in the proper teaching and upbringing of their grandchildren.
- Presentation about IB curriculum
The students of grade 5 educate the grandparents about the methodology of IB and how all the concepts that are taught to the children can be related to the real world and how the grandparents play a major role in teaching the children through their experiences.
- Fun and frolic
There are some fun- activities for the grandparents like playing ‘Antakshari’ and a few dancing and singing performances by primary grade students
All in all, it is an educational and recreational event for the grandparents where they are made to realize how they are very significant and integral part of a child’s life and how they can contribute to the development of their children.