Learning takes place only in happy minds thus we chose the HAPPIEST SCHOOL _MODERN SCHOOL

Celebrating completion of three beautiful years of Pre-Primary Education at Modern School
Nursery (Red) 2017-UKG (Green) 2020
Just like any other parent we too had our own set of apprehensions and anxieties regarding our son’s education. As selection of RIGHT school is one of a major milestone in the upbringing of the child. However, as parents we had our own priorities set to what actually are we looking for in a school. We were looking for
- Safety (emotional, mental, physical)
- Environment of positive regard ,trust and acceptance
- A class room where my son gets his share of individual attention rather than being unnoticed.
- A place where he can willingly walk to the teacher without any hesitation.
Specially, in our case where both the parents are working professionals we wanted to ensure that the child is in safe and cultivating environment.
Ayannsh’s three beautiful years at Modern School have been phenomenal. My young toddler has developed into an Iquirer, Thinker and a Scientist. Today morning when he woke up, the first thought he had in mind were the characteristics of a PRINCIPLED child .He not only used those BIG terms to describe but also explained them to me in his own words.
I am happy that my child has learned to QUESTION the facts he is reading-the basis of any scientific enquiry and he is equipped to quench his thirst for knowledge using all his resources. When he learned about water cycle in class room he explained why is it raining today?? When he was introduced with basic and primary colours and mixing..He actually learned color mixing by experimenting and doing and not mere cramming. Living things and non living things were learned not by rote learning rather by observation. I am proud that unlike other traditional school patterns he knows what he is learning and can easily relate the classroom knowledge with the real world. His connection with all his class teachers has been wonderful.
My son has definitely grown up to be an Independent thinker, emotionally intelligent, self-confident and has learned numerous life skills.We are humbled, proud and highly appreciative of the IB curriculum being practised at Modern School. Learning takes place only in happy minds thus we chose the HAPPIEST SCHOOL _MODERN SCHOOL.
With Best Wishes
Dr Sonal Gupta & Ashok Gupta Proud Parents of Ayannsh Gupta-UKG Green
(Mother-An Alumnus Batch 2002-03)
Psychologist/CounsellorIILM Academy of Higher Learning, Lucknow
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