
Toy Party

To make our tiny tots understand the importance of relationships, love and affection and belongingness a ‘Toy Party’ was organised under the line of inquiry: ‘Why do we need friends and family’.

The children were asked to bring their favorite toys to the class and as it was a party, they were dressed up in their best party outfits.

The facilitator asked questions like why do we need toys, dolls and teddy bears when we have so many computer games, play station, etc. To which there were interesting replies like our toys listen to us but the comp does not, we can hug and cuddle our toys whenever we want to. The facilitator then lead the discussion towards our inherent need of being loved.

Hence the children discovered that everyone wants to love and be loved. If each and every person in this world understands it, the world will definitely be a wonderful place to live in. And our tiny tots will surely take this message to the society.

After this provocative session of discussion, the children had some fun activities like playing with their toys, sketching and drawing their favorite toys on paper and writing what ever they felt about their toys. Children enjoyed playing with their toys and sharing their toys with their frieds, but at the same time learnt so many attributes like being caring and responsible. This is the art with which the children learn while having fun.

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