
The Anti-cracker rally

Crackers hold a fascination for both young and old alike. Despite a growing anti-cracker campaign, there is no dip in its popularity.

Children being the largest consumers of crackers, need to be educated about its harmful after effects to their health and environment.

Taking up this cause The Modern School decided to organize an anti-cracker rally.

The students of  The Modern school took it upon their shoulders to educate the citizens of Lucknow city about the ill effects of burning crackers and to celebrate Diwali with candles, sweets and non-polluting green crackers available in markets.

Launching the anti-cracker campaign at The Modern school, Mr. Rakesh Kapoor, our principal addressed the students and said that polluting crackers should not only be avoided but also banned. He urged the children to take the message of not bursting such crackers not only to their families, but also their neighbourhood and adjoining colonies so that this initiative takes the shape of a movement.

The students took a pledge of not to burst crackers and to spread word in their neighborhood and friends about the same.

The students went  to various parts of the city holding banners and placards denouncing the use of crackers and even approaching shopkeepers not to sell noisy and polluting crackers.

The harmful effects of crackers to health and environment were brought to the fore front by the children with a genuine request to all citizens to celebrate this Diwali without crackers.

1 lakh pamphlets were distributed throughout the city to promote the anti-cracker movement.

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