Annual Prize Day Distribution 2017-18

Vidyatree Modern World College (previously The Modern School) organised its Annual Prize Day on 22nd of April, 2018. The Chief Guest for the event was Mr. B.K Bajpai, Director of Giri Institute of Social Science and the Guest of Honour Mr. Himen Soni, CMA.
The school promotes pursuit of excellence among students and attainment of skills for life. The awards given to students is an acknowledgement of the efforts by the students and also the support of the Parents to their children and school’s mission. A total of 305 cups were distributed among PYP – Nursery to Grade V students and 120 medals were distributed among Grade VI to XI students. They were awarded certificates to recognise their talent.

Some of the categories in which students awarded in the PYP were : Excellence in Grooming, Excellence in Communication, Excellence in Visual Arts, Excellence in Drama, Excellence in Dance, Excellence in Mathematical Aptitude, Excellence in Research and Inquiry, Excellence in Handwriting, Excellence in Discipline,Star Improver, All Rounder, Excellence in Reading Skills, Star Author, Book worm, Spelling Master, Excellence in Singing and 100% Attendance.
Students of Grade VI to XI were awarded in Highest Aggregates, Centurion and 100% Attendance.
Students were also felicitated with Participation Certificates for Expressions with the prize money received from the sale of the painting. Parents came in large number to appreciate their wards.
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