Journey of learning: An exhibition by primary school children
“A rendezvous with the mothers” was organised at the Modern school.This event was conducted to familiarize parents with the teaching techniques and ways of the newly introduced IB PYP programme.
The IB progrmme aims to teach children in a creative and activity based environment. What children do and see is much better understood and retained than what they merely hear and read.
Applying this philosophy primary children at the Modern School are taught with the help of audio – visual aids, practical and activity based processes – like role plays, class presentations, group discussions, making power point presentations, story-telling, art and craft etc.
Parents of the primary section were presented with a culmination of these activities so that they could see the self development and increased skills and confidence level of their children.
The day began with children presenting power point presentations based on various topics. Kids used digital interactive boards to make their presentations and performances.
The ease with which these kids handled laptops and projectors left the parents wide- eyed and surprised. They were amazed to see their children exhibit skills which are generally expected of grown ups.
Mother could’ nt stop their tears of joy and pride on seeing their little ones performing with so much confidence and panache.
Poetry and Story recitals were also held.
Educative role plays were enacted by students to communicate the philosophy of the school and IB programme. for eg. a role play showcasing the theme of empathy was enacted by students. Two students became parents and a third one their son. The scene began with mummy and papa quarreling over a petty issue. When the child is not able to take it any more he goes and stops his parents and says”mummy papa please practice empathy and listen to each other. You should understand and respect each others views and opinions’.
A simple role play but a very real situation that every child must have faced at home.
Another role play was enacted out to communicate the theme of congruency. There is a visitor at home and the father tells the child to make an excuse that he is not at home. But the child answers back “papa i cannot lie to the visitor. we have been taught at school to to be congruent(speaking out your thoughts) and you have also taught me to always speak the truth. Then how can i speak lies to the guest?”
Our children communicated the significance of the concepts so beautifully that it compelled everyone to think and contemplate about such situations in their personal lives.
Such role plays are often held during classes to sensitize kids to such concepts and virtues. Enactments and performances always make a deeper impact on students rather than just telling and lecturing.
Later a session based on” parenting do’s and don’ts” was also conducted. After hearing the complete session some parents could not stop their tears on realizing the mistakes that they had been making with their children.
Mothers termed it as an eye opening session for themselves.
As Mother’s Day was round the corner students made cards and presented them to their mothers. They also sang songs and gave flowers. The emotions and feelings with which these kids presented songs and cards brought tears to everybody’s eyes.
The bonding and emotions in a mother child relationship which are often overshadowed in the process of disciplining and upbringing the child could be seen at that time.
All in all it was a wonderful show and which left everyone with joy, pride and personal achievements.
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